Harnessing eMobility and intralogistics technologies for parcel and post deliveries

Oct 23, 2023


In today's rapidly changing landscape of parcel and post deliveries, businesses like last-mile delivery, warehousing, and logistics providers as well as suppliers in the eMobility and intralogistics industries are facing an array of challenges. DLL provides custom financial solutions to empower these operations to overcome their challenges.

The parcel and post industry is currently undergoing a rapid transformation thanks to advancements in eMobility and intralogistics automation. These advancements are revolutionising the way we move goods and people through the power of electricity and streamlining materials handling within distribution centres.

eMobility and Intralogistics trends and opportunities

Increasing challenges, such as rising customer expectations, environmental regulations, labour shortages, and competition from new entrants mean companies involved in the business of parcel and post delivery need to adopt eMobility and intralogistics automation solutions that offer significant benefits. These include:

  • Reduced environmental impact: As sustainability becomes paramount, eMobility offers a clear path to lower carbon footprints, reduce energy consumption, decrease noise pollution, and minimize waste generation. For example, electric vehicles (EVs) can reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional vehicles while automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) can save energy compared to manual systems.

  • Efficiency through automation: Intralogistics automation can help companies optimize their processes, reduce costs, increase productivity, and enhance quality. For example, autonomous delivery robots can reduce labour costs and shortages while expanding delivery options for customers. Similarly, drones can overcome traffic congestion, access remote areas, and deliver faster and more efficiently. An example of increasing efficiency is the partnership between UPS and Matternet to deliver medical samples across a hospital campus in North Carolina has received FAA authorization to operate beyond visual line of sight. The service has reduced the delivery time from 30 minutes by courier car to 3 minutes by drone, improving the efficiency and reliability of the hospital operations.

  • Efficiency through micro mobility: Assets such as cargo bikes, electric scooters, and similar eco-friendly vehicles are perfect for navigating crowded urban streets, reducing delivery times, and minimizing the environmental impact. A good example of this is Inquieto, a Spanish-based company that provides zero-emission micro mobility delivery vehicles, like cargo bikes, tricycles and scooters. By integrating these micro mobility assets into their delivery fleets, companies can not only reduce operating costs but also enhance the overall efficiency of the service provided to customers.

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: By adopting eMobility and intralogistics solutions, companies can meet customer expectations for speed, convenience, reliability, and personalization. Technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can help to optimize routing, forecasting, demand planning, and customer service. For example, UPS estimates that its AI-powered route optimization system, called ORION (On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation), can reduce its delivery miles by EUR 100 million. This would have a significant impact on the reduction of emissions, delivery times and fleet costs.

While eMobility and intralogistics automation technologies have the power to transform the parcel and post industry, adopting these technologies also requires significant investments in infrastructure, equipment, software, training, and maintenance. This is where DLL can help.

DLL is here to help you finance your parcel and post-delivery projects with flexible and tailored financing solutions that suit your specific needs."

DLL Financing Solutions

As a global finance partner for equipment and technology assets, DLL has extensive experience and expertise in financing projects for the parcel and post industry. With local knowledge and a global reach, we offer customized financing options that suit the specific needs of each project, such as leasing, rental, pay-per-use, or circular economy models.

We also provide value-added services such as asset management, lifecycle management, remarketing, and consultancy to help you maximize the performance and profitability of your eMobility and intralogistics assets. Our extensive network of vendor partners and dealers, and our in-depth knowledge of both industries mean we can provide a total tailored financial solution for your business – from warehouse to delivery.

Harness the power of eMobility and intralogistics with DLL

Innovations in eMobility and intralogistics technologies offer tremendous opportunities for reducing environmental impact, improving operational efficiency, and enhancing customer satisfaction. However, they also require significant investment, which may be challenging for some businesses.

DLL is here to help you finance your parcel and post delivery projects with flexible and tailored financing solutions that suit your specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about how DLL can help you finance your eMobility and intralogistics projects.